MUYOGI’S VVIP MEMBERSHIP 10 times ‘Buy 1, Free 1’ deal

If you like savings, you’ll like this! Join Muyogi’s membership today for only RM19.90 and enjoy a ton of exclusive perks and privileges

Satisfy your cravings with out irresistible yogurt smoothies and sharing it with your friends or family with Muyogi 10 times ‘Buy 1, Free 1’ deal, just for you!

Nobody to share with? Don’t worry, you can still enjoy discounts on all your purchases on these Muyogi treats

For Muyogi every purchase of the yogurt soft serve, get a free topping of your choice

And because you’re MuyogiVVIP member, be first to know about Muyogiexciting events, exclusive promotions and new flavour launches

So, don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be part of Muyogi’s community and enjoy all these amazing benefits Sign up now!

WhatsApp us to place your order and pick up via below URL ⁣⁣

Location :⁣⁣
28 Quatermile, Solok Mayang Pasir, Bandar Bayan Baru, 11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang​​
[next to Touch ‘n Go RFID Bayan Baru]⁣

Operation Hour :⁣
Sunday to Thursday – 11.00am-7.00pm⁣
Friday & Saturday – 11:00am – 9:00pm⁣