ZCITY 9.9 KawKaw Deals 2023 Promo Code

Grab your 9.9 KawKaw Deals at Zstore now on best frozen foods. Enjoy savings of up to RM25 when you use the following promo codes. Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer!

Promo code: 99KWKG
Minimum spend of RM70 (Actual Payment) on Kawan & KG Pastry products

Promo code: 99MERIT
Minimum spend of RM100 (Actual Payment) on Merit Kitchen products

Purchase now: https://link.zcity.io/XY7w/jawqpjz7?af_force_deeplink=true


Pay your electric bill with RM3 OFF : https://link.zcity.io/XY7w/q590vnxz?af_force_deeplink=true

*T&C Apply
*While Stock Last
