The Ramadan promotion at POPULAR is now back to celebrate its 15th Anniversary!
Worship by enriching self-knowledge, charity by doing good. Enjoy attractive offers and donate to selected charities in conjunction with the Ramadan Re-Promotion @ POPULAR!
10% rebate* to customers for selected titles.
10%* of sales proceeds will be donated to selected charities.
Free 1 piece of ‘Daily Surah Poster’** with a minimum spend of RM50 in one receipt.
Waqf Project: Buy Al-Quran & translation, religious books, motivational books and children’s books and hand them over to the payment counter for waqf to selected charities.
Promotion until 17 March 2024
Get the books at POPULAR/HARRIS bookstore and POPULAR Online: https://bit.ly/rmd-pop-24 right now.