Get RM5 cashback at 99 Speedmart with MAE

Shop for your groceries and essentials at participating 99 Speedmart outlets nationwide and Scan & Pay min. RM20 with the MAE app to enjoy RM5 cashback.

Only applicable for three (3x) cashbacks per month throughout the campaign period.

Campaign Period: 1 September – 31 October 2022

How can I win cashback?
Tap Scan & Pay in your MAE app

Tap Show QR Code

Present your QR code to the cashier

Spend min. RM20 to win RM5 cashback

Terms & Conditions

  1. The Campaign Period is from 1 September – 31 October 2022.
  2. Each MAE customer enjoys RM5 cashback with a minimum spend of RM20 at participating 99 Speedmart outlets nationwide, upon payment with Scan & Pay via the MAE app.
  3. Each Maybank2u/MAE customer will get a total of three (3x) cashback chances per month for a total of six (6) cashback chances throughout the entire campaign period (subject to availability).
  4. To enjoy the cashback, the customer’s source of fund for Scan & Pay must either be from their Maybank current account, savings account or MAE account.
  5. Payment must be made via the MAE app version 0.6.8 and above only.