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Bus Online Ticket travel from Johor Bahru, Malacca and Seremban Extra RM8 Off Promo Code

Hey, want to JIMAT on your bus journey to your favourite destination?

Look no further! BusOnlineTicket.com makes it easy to travel from Johor Bahru, Malacca and Seremban! Now you can save up to 15%* (capped at RM8) with promo code on bus ticket to your favourite destinations!

This promo only valid for the bus routes from JB, Malacca and Seremban by Bus Online Tickettrusted bus operators Sinyong Express, Kejora Express, and Eltabina Express.

Plan your trip and book your bus tickets before the promo ends! Learn more: https://buson.me/u1fvm

Book Now !