Bus Online Ticket from Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, or Miri Extra 10% Off Promo Code

Planning your next adventure from Kuching, Sibu, Bintulu, or Miri? Look no further! Eva Express is the choice for a seamless travel to your favorite destination.

Special Offer Just for You! Enjoy a fantastic 10%* OFF on your bus bookings! Use Code: EVBOT10 and receive a discount of up to RM10. Don’t miss out on this exclusive deal to make your journey even more affordable and enjoyable.

Limited Time Offer – Act Now! This incredible discount is available for a limited time, so seize the opportunity and plan your trip today. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a business excursion, Eva Express ensures a delightful travel experience.

Book now: https://buson.me/gj77r

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